Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Page 463. Number 1-10

1. Name the treaty which granted the United States the right to build and police a canal through Central America.
-The Hay-Pauncefote Treaty

2. Name the treaty which granted the United States a zone ten miles wide through which to build a canal.
-Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

3. Which was one of the greatest problems to be overcome in building the Panama Canal?
-Diseases were overcome like Yellow Fever.

4. Who was the army engineer appointed to take charge of the canal project?
-Colonel George Washington Goethals

5.Give the slogan Teddy Roosevelt used to descrive his foreign policy.
-Speak softly and carry a big stick.

6. Name the super-patriotic band of Chinese nationalists that tried to drive all foreigners out of China.

7. Who was one of the most famous survivors of the Boxer Rebellion?
Jonathan Goforth

8. What was Teddy Roosevelt's first experience with problems in the Far East?
-The Russo-Japanese War

9. What award was given to Teddy Roosevelt in 1906?
-The Nobel Peace Prize

10. What was the purpose of the Great White Fleet's world tour?
-It was to demonstrate America's increasing military strength to the world, especially to the Japanese.

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