Tuesday, May 26, 2009

May 26, 2009

Page 626 "People"

Alger Hiss
- convicted in 1950 of perjury for denying that he had helped to transfer secret State Department documents to any Soviet agent before the war.

Julius Rosenberg
-Agler's engineer

Ethel Rosenberg
- Julius' wife

Whittaker Chambers
-a former Communist part member and a Soviet spy who had become horrified with Marxist totalitarianism when he realized its true nature.

Joseph P. McCarthy
-Senator charged that the U.S State Department had been infiltrated by large numbers of Communist spies. he conducted investigations.

Douglas MacArthur
-Appointed as Supreme Commander in the Allied occupation of Japan.

Dwight D. Eisenhower
-Supreme Allied Commander in Europe

Mao Tse-tung
-Waged civil war against the Chinese nationalists.

Chiang kai-shek
-War was waged against the Chinese nationalists under this man.

George C. Marshall
-travelled to China and attempted to persuade Chiang Kai-shek to form a coalition goverment which would include both Communists and Nationalists.

Richard M. Nixon
-A California congressman and later senator to be his Vice-Presidential running mate.

Earl Warren
-struck down the former decision by a ruling in Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka which declared racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional.

Rosa Parks
-Boared a city bus in Montogomery, Alabama. She sat in the front and when she was told to move to the back, she refused. Bus segregation stopped.

Martin Luther King, Jr.
-An African-American minister that stepped forward to help Rosa Parks by helping to organize a boycott of a city bus system.

Fulgencio Batista
-dictator of Cuba.

Fidel Castro
-Cuban lawyer that attempted to start a revolution against the Batista government by attacking the Moncada Army Barracks in Santiago de Cuba. He organized the 26th of July Movement.

Jonas E. Salk
- Discovered the polio vaccine

Albert B. Sabin
-perfected another polio vaccine that could be administered through the mouth.

Jackie Robinson
- the first African-American ballplayer to play for a major league team - The Brooklyn Dodgers.

Alan B. Shepherd, Jr.
-the first American in space

John H. Glenn, Jr.
-the first American to orbit the earth.

Lee Harvey Oswald
-Assassinated President Kennedy

Page 602 #1-10

1. Who succeeded Franklin Roosevelt as President?
-Harry S. Truman

2. What event ended the Great Depression?
-The Postwar economic boom

3. What act was passed to cub the growing power of labor unions?
-Taft-Hartley Act

4. What treaty provided military aid to European allies?
-North Atlantic Treaty

5. What two acts were used to combat Communist subversion in America?
-Smith Act && Internal Security Act

6. Name the member of the State Department who transferred documents to a Soviet agent.
Alger Hiss

7. What couple was executed for leaking vital atomic bomb secrets to Russian agents?
-The Rosenbergs

8. What program helped the European nations in their recovery after World War 2?
-Marshall Plan

9. Nam3e the defense pact signed by the United States, Canada, and ten western European nations as a security against Communism.

10. What conference officially ended the Allied occupation of Japan?
-Japan Peace Treaty Conference.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Page 463. Number 1-10

1. Name the treaty which granted the United States the right to build and police a canal through Central America.
-The Hay-Pauncefote Treaty

2. Name the treaty which granted the United States a zone ten miles wide through which to build a canal.
-Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

3. Which was one of the greatest problems to be overcome in building the Panama Canal?
-Diseases were overcome like Yellow Fever.

4. Who was the army engineer appointed to take charge of the canal project?
-Colonel George Washington Goethals

5.Give the slogan Teddy Roosevelt used to descrive his foreign policy.
-Speak softly and carry a big stick.

6. Name the super-patriotic band of Chinese nationalists that tried to drive all foreigners out of China.

7. Who was one of the most famous survivors of the Boxer Rebellion?
Jonathan Goforth

8. What was Teddy Roosevelt's first experience with problems in the Far East?
-The Russo-Japanese War

9. What award was given to Teddy Roosevelt in 1906?
-The Nobel Peace Prize

10. What was the purpose of the Great White Fleet's world tour?
-It was to demonstrate America's increasing military strength to the world, especially to the Japanese.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Chapter 16 Ideas

1. What was the North's reason for fighting the war? What was the South's?
-North's intent was the preserve the Union. The South's intent was to preserve state's rights.

2. Compare wartime advantages and disadvantages in both the North and South. Why was the South unable to fight an extended war?
-The North had abundant resources. It had 23 states and 22 million people. They had more capital, more factories, and more skilled laborers to manufacture munitions and supplies. The had better transportation and a large naval force. The South was disadvantaged because they only had 11 states and about 9 million people. They had the head start in preparing for the war, though. They had seized much federal military property and had organized a military dwefense system before the North. They were also used to being outside more. They had military experience.

3. What qualities can be admired in both Abraham Lincoln and Robert E. Lee? What lessons can be learned from their devotion to duty?
-They were both devoted to the military. They were both very strong and

4. Explain the significance of the Gettysburg Address. What do you think President Lincoln wanted the audience to realize from his message?

5. Despite superior military leaders, why was the South unable to stop the Union advance?

6. Why is the Civil Ware considered to be the first modern war?

7. How was the Emancipation Proclamation an important step to the abolition of slavery? What finally abolished slavery in the United States?

8. How can it be said that the entire nation triumphed after the Civil War was over? Describe some positive results of the Civil War.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


In what year was the Republican Party formed?

Who murdered five men in Pottawatomie Creek?
-John Brown

What slave sued his owner?
-Dred Scott

Who was the Republican candidate that lost the election in 1856?
-John C. Fermont

What state seceded from the Union first?
-South Carolina

Who was elected President of the Confederacy?
-Jefferson Davis

Who did Lincoln debate in 1858?
-Stephan A. Douglas

What issue split the Democrats in 1860?

Who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin?
-Harriet Beecher Stowe

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Jefferson Era.

Thomas Jefferson - The first President to be inaugurated in the new capital of Washington, D.C.

John Marshall - Chief Justice of the Supreme Court appointed by President Adams. He took the case of Marbury vs. Madison.

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark - Organized a company of nearly fifty men and took an expedition to the Missouri River. They met Sacagawea there who became their guide. Lewis and Clark crossed the Great Divide.

Sacagawea - A Shoshoni Indian who was the guide for Lewis and Clark.

Zebulan Pike - Discovered a peak in Colorado now named in his honor - Pike's Peak.

Jeffersonian Era - The thoughts and ideas of Thomas Jefferson changed the entire political system.

Marbury vs. Madison - William Marbury appealed to the Supreme Court for a legal writ ordering James Madison to deliver his commission.

Louisianna Purchase - Napolean sold Lousianna to Monroe for $15 million after realizing he couldn't afford to lose any money.

Great Divide - Separates the rivers flowing east toward the Atlantric from those flowing west toward the Pacific.

Burr Conspiracy - Aaron Burr was the Vice President during Jefferson's second administration. He was very unpopular and ended up shooting his opponent, Alexander Hamilton in a duel. He had plans to buy a Western Empire. That became known as the Burr Conspiracy.

Embargo Act - Prohibited American exports.

War Hawks - Men who insisted America must defend her honor by going to war with Great Britain.

Treaty of Ghent - Two nations agreed to stop fighting but there were no issues settled.