Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Chapter 16 Ideas

1. What was the North's reason for fighting the war? What was the South's?
-North's intent was the preserve the Union. The South's intent was to preserve state's rights.

2. Compare wartime advantages and disadvantages in both the North and South. Why was the South unable to fight an extended war?
-The North had abundant resources. It had 23 states and 22 million people. They had more capital, more factories, and more skilled laborers to manufacture munitions and supplies. The had better transportation and a large naval force. The South was disadvantaged because they only had 11 states and about 9 million people. They had the head start in preparing for the war, though. They had seized much federal military property and had organized a military dwefense system before the North. They were also used to being outside more. They had military experience.

3. What qualities can be admired in both Abraham Lincoln and Robert E. Lee? What lessons can be learned from their devotion to duty?
-They were both devoted to the military. They were both very strong and

4. Explain the significance of the Gettysburg Address. What do you think President Lincoln wanted the audience to realize from his message?

5. Despite superior military leaders, why was the South unable to stop the Union advance?

6. Why is the Civil Ware considered to be the first modern war?

7. How was the Emancipation Proclamation an important step to the abolition of slavery? What finally abolished slavery in the United States?

8. How can it be said that the entire nation triumphed after the Civil War was over? Describe some positive results of the Civil War.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


In what year was the Republican Party formed?

Who murdered five men in Pottawatomie Creek?
-John Brown

What slave sued his owner?
-Dred Scott

Who was the Republican candidate that lost the election in 1856?
-John C. Fermont

What state seceded from the Union first?
-South Carolina

Who was elected President of the Confederacy?
-Jefferson Davis

Who did Lincoln debate in 1858?
-Stephan A. Douglas

What issue split the Democrats in 1860?

Who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin?
-Harriet Beecher Stowe